Due to the concerns surrounding COVID-19, voters in the Town of Wescott are strongly urged to vote absentee for the upcoming April 7, 2020 Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary.

The Town of Wescott buildings are closed to the public at this time.    It is our recommendation, that if possible, residents request an absentee ballot be sent to them via mail.  Requests for absentee ballots can be done by visiting www.myvote.wi.gov to submit an online request. However, the option to curbside in-person absentee vote is still available to our residents, Monday-Thursday from 9 AM – 3:00 PM. If you choose to in-person absentee vote, please press the doorbell located on the door, staff will then come out and assist you with this process.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we do our part to help limit the exposure to our community.


Angela Vreeke, Clerk