Author: townweb

Ordinance 2022-07 Amending Ordinance 2018-02 Fire Inspections
Ordinance 2022-07 Amending Ordinance 2018-02 Fire Inspections
2022-02 Resolution to Amend Town of Wescott Uniform Fee Schedule
2022-02 Resolution to Amend Town of Wescott Uniform Fee Schedule
Ordinance 2022-06 Volunteer Emergency Medical Services Funds
Ordinance 2022-06 Volunteer Emergency Medical Services Funds
Town of Wescott is Hiring
Click here to get a PDF copy of the application form.
Garbage / Recycling Pick Up Schedule
Town of Wescott Offices will be closed on Monday, December 25th & Monday, January 1st….
2017-01 Regulating Open Records Requests and Repaealing Ordinance No 94-9
2017-01 Regulating Open Records Requests and Repaealing Ordinance No 94-9